The path leading up to, and the actual diagnosis of Infertility can be shattering to individuals and couples. Infertility may affect emotions, finances, sexual relations and stress levels. Infertility can also significantly impact the couple relationship. Many questions arise about what to do after the diagnosis. There are options today which were unheard of even a generation ago. You may find yourself grappling with questions you never thought you would have to answer, and then you have to find a place of agreement as a couple. Finding common ground for couples can take time and requires open, honest communication. The feelings of grief and repeated disappointments may feel overwhelming and counseling can be helpful in giving you a chance to explore what works for your family. Many outsiders, in their attempts to be helpful give advice and share their opinions. Often times, these well intentioned people actually add to the stress of infertility, instead of aleviating it. No one else can make these decisions for you. They are yours alone as a couple and only the two of you will live with the decisions you chose 24 hours a day for the rest of your lives. They are some of the most personal decisions you will ever make and giving yourself and your relationship the space and time to openly share hopes, goals, limits, fears and concerns is a good way to take care of yourself and your relationship. Many couples seek counseling at this time to provide a place, time and format for these important discussions to take place. Counseling fosters communcation but also may offer coping strategies for the journey ahead.
Most people who have experienced infertility will say the experience changed them. Questions you may ask yourself are: When should I seek counseling to deal with stress? Do I want a counselor to help me find ways to cope with the present and plan for the future? Will I want to come in individually or with my partner?
Answers to these questions and more can be answered during the no cost initial consultation. Call Trisha Falvey and schedule one today. Weekend appointments are available.