Deciding to begin counseling is a big step. It may be the result of realizing you would like something to be better in your life or relationships. It may be because you are in transition or have experienced a significant loss or challenge. Finding the right therapist for you is the best way to begin. If you are having a particular concern, it may benefit you to find a therapist with expertise in that area. There are many different counseling styles, theories and techniques, however the number one factor to consider is your level of comfort with a therapist. When you first meet with a therapist you believe has the expertise you would like, here are 5 questions you can ask yourself as you choose who may be best for you.
1) Does the therapist accept you for who you are?
2) Would you be comfortable sharing personal information with this therapist?
3) Does the therapist listen without judging or interrupting?
4) Do you feel like you have to hide pieces of your life or pretend to be someone you are not?
5) What is your gut telling you?
It is a courageous step to seek counseling. You deserve to feel safe and supported during your work in therapy. Asking yourself these questions as you begin counseling is a great way to start.
If you are looking for a therapist in the Twin Cities please contact Trisha Falvey, LMFT