Are you experiencing distress in your relationship? Research has found that couples experiencing difficulties in their relationships wait an average of 6 years before seeking marriage counseling. However, the sooner a couple seeks help the better the chances are that the couple may return to mutual fulfillment, perhaps even stronger than they were before the problems began.
Here are some points to consider as you decide to begin marriage counseling:
1) Skilled marriage counselors will not sit passively and nod while you and your partner argue the same old arguments in the same old way just like you may do at home. A skilled therapist will interrupt unproductive dialogue and offer guidelines and insights into new ways of relating.
2) Skilled marriage counselors will not align themselves with one party in the couple. They will never view one partner as the cause for all marital distress. A marriage counselor will work to encourage both persons to find their voice in a respectful, productive way in order to maximize the couple connection.
3) An ethical therapist will never directly tell you to stay or get divorced. Hopefully by giving your relationship the chance and gift of counseling those answers will become clearer to you.
4) Marriage and Family Therapists ( LAMFTs and LMFTs ) are specifically trained to work with people in couple and family relationships.
Often times, marriage counseling is most effective when couples seek help early on and both parties become willing and open to new solutions and ways of relating to each other.
If you are looking for a Marriage Counselor in the Twin Cities are please contact Trisha Falvey, MA LMFT