Trisha’s Blog:

What Makes You Feel Alive?

WaterfallRecently I was able to hear Maya Moore, WNBA player and Gold Olympic Medalist speak to a group from Big Brothers Big Sisters. A young person asked her how she feels when she plays basketball. She answered, “Basketball is my passion. When I am playing basketball I feel alive.” Her answer impressed me for two reasons. Firstly, she is in her early 20’s and knows and can express what her passion is and what makes her feel alive. Secondly, she has poured her life into making it a reality.
It made me take a moment to pause and think, “What makes me feel alive?” and “What am I doing in my life to nurture and honor this?”
It is easy to get caught up in the details of everyday life, and lose sight of what really energizes us and makes us feel alive. Maya Moore inspired me with her speech to live wholly and focus on what gives energy and connects us to the flow of life.

Mother Nature is Calling…

Take time for Nature! It will do you good – this has been proven by researchers, but this week I decided to test it out for myself. I enjoyed both the Lyndale Gardens in Minneapolis and the Dodge Nature Center in West Saint Paul. Both have free admission ( donations are accepted at Dodge ) and both are simply beautiful in their own way. Lyndale Gardens are more pristine while the Dodge Nature Center has abundant wildlife. Both were reminders to slow down, and enjoy the peace and wonder of nature. Take a deep breath and focus on your senses: touch, smell, sight and hearing. As my research concluded, I agree that being in nature does elevate one’s mood. Nature provides moments of serenity in a fast paced world. While the weather is warm, and the sunshine is plentiful I hope you will give yourself the gift of time with nature. The connection is yours to enjoy!

If you are looking for an Individual or Family Therapist in the Twin Cities please contact Trisha Falvey, MA, LAMFT

Go for the Gold!

When the greatest Olympian of all time, swimmer Michael Phelps was asked how many hours a day he trained, he said 5 hours a day and then added, “If you don’t put the work in you really can’t expect to get much out of it.” This is true for Olympic athletes and people in counseling too. When you find a therapist you feel comfortable with, what you put in to counseling is often times proportional to what you will get out of it. Are you willing to take a risk and be open and honest? Are you able to dedicate yourself to exploring some things that may feel uncomfortable but may ultimately lead to better understanding? Are you willing to give yourself the time necessary to gain insights and new ways of interacting with the world around you? If so, be like Michael Phelps and be ready to work for it and Go for the Gold in your life and relationships!

If you are looking for an Individual or Family Therapist in the Twin Cities contact Trisha Falvey, MA,LAMFT

Do No Harm

Minneapolis Therapy

“Do No Harm” is an ethical imperative for Mental Health Therapists. Sadly, this tenet has not always been followed as practitioners work with Gay, lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender clients. Too often lack of training, insensitivity or prejudice of GLB and T people has come before respectful, effective care.

Today, I attended the Prairie Care Education Series which focused on sexual orientation and gender identity in adolescents. I sat with approximately 100 other Mental Health Providers who wanted to learn more about gender identity, sexual orientation and youth.

Janet Bystrom, LICSW founder of Reclaim, an organization which provides counseling, groups and holistic care for GLB and T youth and their families led the workshop. The workshop included empirical research as well as personal anecdotes to provide a better understanding of the stress of living in a culture which has been, and oftentimes continues to be, hostile toward GLB and T people. She spoke of how this can negatively impact mental health and the quality of one’s life in adolescence and in adulthood. She encouraged a non-pathologizing approach for clinicians, stressing the current stance by the many associations which govern mental health providers, that it is unethical to attempt to change or influence an underlying orientation. Dr. Jamie Feldman MD, PhD from the University of Minnesota’s Program in Human Sexuality spoke about how hormone treatments may be effective in reducing distress for transgender youth. This is not the path all transgender youth and their families choose, but it is an option and it is good to know there are experienced, competent, and caring medical professionals available to help in the Twin Cities. The final speaker was Dr. Julie Praus MD, a Psychiatrist who is GLB and T friendly and knowledgeable and who practices at PRISM in Minneapolis.

A large room full of mental health providers spent today trying to become better practioners and learn about the vast resources available to GLB and T youth and their families in the Twin Cities. While this can not undo harms done to Gay, Lesbian and Transgender persons by mental health practioners in the past, hopefully it is a step toward better care in the future. Counseling should be a safe place for people to bring their whole selves and receive knowledgeable and effective care; if Mental Health Providers are not able to offer this for any reason, they should refer clients to someone who can in order to “Do No Harm.”

If you are looking for a therapist in the Twin Cities area please contact Trisha Falvey, MA, LAMFT

Are Tree Huggers Happier than you?

Tree Hugger

You don’t have to hug trees to be happy, but a study by Professor Pretty at the University of Essex found that walking by them can improve mental health. His research found that simply walking outside, in nature for 5 minutes a day can produce a positive effect on your mental health and elevate self esteem. So, take a walk outside and appreciate the benefits of nature. It will do you good! Tree hugging is optional.

If you are looking for a therapist in the Twin Cities area please contact Trisha Falvey, MA, LAMFT