A research study by Stanley, Amato, Johnson and Markman found that couples who complete Premarital Counseling/Education are 30% less likely to divorce. As a Marriage and Family Therapist who is certified in Prepare/Enrich and works with many couples as they prepare for marriage, this makes perfect sense to me. I see couples learning more about each other and gathering tools for a lifetime together each time we meet.
Not only has research found that couples who complete Premarital education report higher levels of marital satisfaction, but they are also more willing to seek help in rough times. These factors, along with gaining communication tools and learning to actively nurture their marriage decrease the likelihood of divorce.
Premarital Counseling and Education is better than a wedding gift – it is a gift for your marriage that can help love last a lifetime.
Hope all will be smart enough to participate in pre-marital counseling. Keep on encouraging everyone. Thank you so much for offering such an important undertaking!!!!