A Martin Luther King Jr. Day Quiz

Q: Who answered the phone many times to hear death threats directed at her husband? Q: Who encouraged and supported her husband, knowing the danger to the entire family, because of her strong belief in equality and justice? Q: Who cared for 4 children, the youngest of...

Hope you have an ALL – YOUR – FEELINGS New Year!

Although we typically say “Have a Happy New Year”, It is actually one’s ability to feel and express a wide range of feelings that ultimately allows us to be happy. This is why I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy, sad, angry,...

Winter Solstice 2013

On a lone Winter evening,when the frost has wrought a silence… John Keats 1816 As the longest night of the year approaches I invite you to the silence and peace that Winter offers. Give yourself the time and space to rest in the deep quiet of Winter. This will...

Happy. Gay. Pride.

GLBT Pride festivals and parades are happening across the country this weekend. We will go to celebrate equality in Federal Marriage benefits. We will go to celebrate that the state of California has reinstated Marriage equality. We will go to celebrate ourselves and...

The Cost of Skipping Premarital Counseling in Minnesota

75 dollars. That is what it costs someone in Minnesota to avoid premarital counseling. As a counselor I would suggest that there are other costs, such as disharmony and separation when married couples don’t have the tools to help their love endure. However, this...